9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Town Clerk
Chuck Schulze
Email: clerk@newburyvt.org
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday
Electronic access to land records can be found at www.uslandrecords.com.
Dog License Information
Dogs and wolf hybrids are required to be licensed by April 1st of each year. A current rabies certificate is required for licensing.
The cost of a license is:
Spayed or neutered
Not spayed or neutered
$20 late fee after April 1st for the first dog, $5.00 late fee for each additional dog.
State Statute - Domestic Pet Or Wolf-hybrid Control
Request for Certified Copy of Birth or Death Certificate
Marriage License Information
Elections and Voting
Town Meeting is held on the first Tuesday in March, at 10:00 am. at Newbury Village Hall, more commonly known as the gym in the Newbury Elementary School, 214 Pulaski Street. In addition, voting for town officers is by Australian Ballot from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Primary (2nd Tuesday in August) and General (1st Tuesday in November) Elections are also held at the Newbury Village Hall, 214 Pulaski Street. Polls are open 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Annual School Votes
Please see the Orange East Supervisory Union website https://oesu.org for more information
Eligible persons may register to vote on any day up to and including the day of the election. If there are any questions, please contact the Town Clerks Office at 802-866-5521 or you can go to the Vermont Secretary of State’s website.
State of Vermont forms